“For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”
Abby is the Director of Spiritual Formation at Story Presbyterian Church in Westerville, Ohio. Abby is married to Ken, and they have two teenage children, Hannah and Harry. They live in Westerville, Ohio.
Abby desires for others to experience God's love through her and know the joy that the Heavenly Father feels over his children. Most importantly, Abby wants others to understand the love of God as seen in the face of Jesus Christ. In that love is freedom, joy, and comfort for the pains of this life.
She hasn’t always lived this way.
Even though Abby has been a Christian for most of her life, it wasn't until she was 30 years old that she began to understand the depths of the Father's love. She’s passionate about helping others know their Heavenly Father better, experience the love of his Son, and find rest in the presence of the Holy Spirit. This only happens as we study God's Word, so Abby is dedicated to helping others dig into the Scriptures with the goal of knowing God better. Her hope is that many would grow to love God and experience his love through the study of his Word.